Saxilby Ringing Simulators

The Indispensible route to better ringing

The Denmisch Ring
Six Saxilby Simulators were installed in 2007 at the Okehampton home of Denis & Mischa Thompson.

All who visit are made exceptionally welcome and are invariably impressed with the ease of handling and versatility of the installation.

The picture above was taken in December 2007 following a very nice Quarter Peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor (details) conducted by Tony Parry.
In December 2009, the ring was augmented to 8, and ....

.... local ringers christened the augmented ring on 9th Dec 2009.

A nice Quarter Peal of Grandsire Triples, the first on the new eight, was rung on New Year's Day 2010 by the band below.

And finally ....? In December 2010, two more Saxilby Simulators were added to make the Denmisch ring up to 10 ....

The ring was christened with a Quarter Peal of Grandsire Caters on New Year's Eve, 2010.
On 24th July 2011, the BBC sent their regional news team to film the simulators in action. About 60 ringers gave their enthusiastic support and ringing continued non-stop from noon until 5pm. Mischa produced a wonderful buffet lunch. The BBC presenter, John Henderson, made a good job of sifting through all the recorded material and the Denmisch Ring was featured very positively in the SPOTLIGHT program at 6.30pm the following day.

In 2015 the complete installation was donated to the Guild of Devonshire Ringers and it is now installed in Exeter Cathedral School where it is used by the Guild and school pupils. Details of the new installation can be found at:
Saxilby Simulators support
Saxsim website last updated Aug 2024