Saxilby Ringing Simulators
The Indispensible route to better ringing

The Saxilby Simulator Campanile
Saxilby Simulators support

The Saxilby Simulator Campanile is shown here during its initial try-out just one week before it made its debut at the 2005 Ringing Roadshow. It has been seen and enjoyed by many people and perhaps its most successful and high-profile outing was at Liverpool Cathedral for the annual, 3-day, Arts & Crafts Fair in June 2006 .....

In March 2007, the Lincoln Diocesan Guild purchased the Saxilby Simulator Campanile with the aid of a generous 'Awards For All' grant, and it is now being put to very good use promoting bellringing within the diocese and beyond. Read about their Bells on the Move project.
Saxsim website last updated Aug 2024