Saxilby Ringing Simulators
The Indispensible route to better ringing
Instructions for Assembling the Saxilby Simulator
First notice that the wheel axle has a broad, shallow pulley next to the outer bearing on one side, then place the wheel in the frame so that this pulley is on the same side as the two small, frame-mounted, nylon pulleys.
Fit and secure the two main bearing caps – don’t overtighten the two 13mm flangenuts securing each cap!
Identify the slider leg which has the small protruding pin and then clip the larger hole/jaw end onto the bronze axle bush (pulley side) with the pin facing outwards. Fit the other leg on the other side.
With the two slider legs now hanging down, displace them a few inches towards the ground pulley and clip in the 20mm black tube with the shock-absorbing strap in the centre. Finally, thread the 237mm long dowel through the loop in the other end of the strap and, from underneath, fit it into the locating sockets just in front of the ground pulley.
Thread one spring-end of the transport cord down through one of the small nylon pulley sheaves and hook the spring onto the pin. Now pass the other spring-end over the broad, shallow axle pulley and wrap it around a full turn before threading it down through the other small pulley and hooking it onto the pin also.
Rotate the wheel to the UP position and fit the bell plates. Tighten the M12 High-Tensile countersunk bolts securely.
Restore the bell to the DOWN position and thread the rope through the ground pulley.
Finally, if the sensor pickup has been removed, screw it back into position on the underside of the top frame member below the brass Saxilby Simulators badge using small screws (for safety).
1a. The high-quality paint finish on the Saxilby Simulator wheel and bell weight-plates can make gripping difficult. It is recommended that ‘gripper gloves’ be worn whenever the wheel and weights are being carried. Don’t attempt to pick up/carry more than one weight-plate at once, not only because they are quite heavy and awkward, but doing so can result in paint chips.
2a. Please don’t over-tighten the bearing caps – it’s really not necessary!
3a. The 6mm bolts in the slider legs should be initially adjusted so that they are almost causing the splits to close. At this setting, the slider assembly can be simply snapped together / dismantled using hand pressure alone.
4a. The 23mm wooden dowel locates in 25mm diameter sockets in the side frames, the one at the cord pulley side being deeper than the other. A rubber ring holds the dowel central. The dowel can be removed by displacing it into the deeper hole and then wiggling the free end out beneath the lower frame member. This access requirement should be considered when mounting the simulator.
4b. The shock-absorbing strap acts on both the handstroke and backstroke ‘set’. A spare dowel and strap are supplied with every new Saxilby Simulator. Ultra-rigid mounting of the simulator unit tends to shorten strap life.
4c. A broken strap or dowel will not prevent the simulator being rung, but it should not be used by novices until this shock absorbing system is reinstated.
5a. The slider transport cord system has been designed to eliminate any knocking noises that might come from the swinging ‘stirrup’ arrangement when the bell is being rung close to balance.
6a. The bell weight-plates are secured with high-tensile M12 bolts into opposing ends of thru-threaded 20mm diameter steel inserts. Once both plates are fitted, these bolts should be tightened very firmly.
6b. The simulator has been designed so that is possible to fit an additional weight-plate, but portability, stability, reliability and above all, safety in the hands of novices could be compromised by so doing.
7a. Saxilby Simulators are typically mounted at a height of about 8ft above the floor. Fixing the rope (bell down) so that the top of the sally is at 2.0m above the ground is a good starting position. Note that the rope requires no untidy tying off to secure it ... simply wrap it neatly through the two slots and then swing the moveable stay strips back into position to trap the wrapped rope.
8a. The magnets on the wheel of the Saxilby Simulator are positioned so that both the handstroke and backstroke strike-angles are exactly 50deg BTDC. Additional pilot holes are provided next to the backstroke magnet which, if used, will cause the backstroke to strike 5deg earlier.
Saxsim website last updated Aug 2024